The idea for Day Off Equal was created out of the curiosity to learn something new and push my creative boundaries. It also didn't hurt that I had copious amounts of time being cooped up in mandatory hotel quarantine for business travel abroad!
From the onset, the mission of the brand was first and foremost to share with others what I like to do on my "Day's Off" and hopefully ignite a passion for someone to go out and try or learn something new and in addition hopeful that others would also share in the community their passions/hobbies on their "Day Off".
Secondly was a goal to develop products that ultimately improve our every day life by making simple yet streamlined solutions to problems. This could be for something like making a cocktail to find your moment of zen after a long day or making travel more efficient.
I truly hope you find joy in what we share and the products that we offer and that at the end of the day you go out and learn something that excites and drives you forward!